Take Back the Night

Take Back the Night is an action created to enable large numbers of women to publicly express our anger at the sexual violence that goes on and the victim blaming that accompanies it.

Not every woman has been sexually assaulted, but every woman has been taught to fear it. We are told from the time we are young not to walk alone, not to go out after dark, to avoid strangers and to avoid dangerous areas of town. This advice is useless in the face of the reality that the largest number of women experience violence in their own home, at the hand of someone they know.

A Take Back the Night march is a public protest organized by women, for women. It serves as a means for women to unite and voice our desire to end the fear and perceived responsibility women experience when it comes to sexual assault, harassment, and other forms of violence.

Read more about Take Back the Night at takebackthenight.org.

Every year the Mokami Status of Women Council holds a Take Back the Night walk in Happy Valley-Goose Bay.


Our Walk

... (info about the route and when it occurs).

Supportive men show their support and respect by joining the walk. They also help us with the activities at the beginning and the end points of the route, and line the route to cheer us on. Men also help with the refreshments and BBQ too!

Mokami Status of Women Council