Women's Centre
Our programs, services & events are for all women. Everyone is welcome in our centre!
Please see below for our regular programming that takes place in our centre. We are constantly hosting and inviting different programs and events into our centre that may not be a part of our regular schedule! Please contact our Program Coordinator and see if there are any upcoming programs or events that may be of interest to you at 896-3484 extension 203!
Women Helping Women
Women may make donations of personal hygiene products that we distribute to other women in need. We prefer scent free products, and accept soap, hand/body lotion, deodorant, etc. We also accept and distribute diapers, baby wipes and other baby products. See the full list of products on our Donations page.
If you know of women who are having difficulty making ends meet each month, please let them know that this program is available. Contact our Program Coordinator at 896-3484 ext 203 and make an appointment to talk about how we can help.
This program is currently supporting approximately 150 women and gender diverse people and their families each month.
Craft Group
Our Women's Centre hosts a craft group that is either a step by step class (painting, beading, etc) or a time for you to come in a work on a project you may have at home and socialize with other women! Please contact our Program Coordinator at 896-3484 extension 203 for more details.
Breast Feeding Support
La Leche League Canada - Labrador Group
Pregnant women, nursing moms, grandmothers, sisters and babies/toddlers are all welcome! Snacks will be provided and books are available for loan.
If you'd like to get monthly email updates on the Labrador group meetings please get in touch.
For additional info please contact:
Jodi MacPhail - jodi.macphail@lllc.ca
Aimee Chaulk - aimee.chaulk@lllc.ca
Technology Desk
Please visit our centre if you would like to make use of our public computer, print off documents, send a fax, or just check your social media!
International Women's Day
International Women's Day (March 8) is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. The day also marks a call to action for accelerating gender parity.
Read more at https://www.internationalwomensday.com/About
Each year the Mokami Status of Women Council organizes events for International Women's Day, including luncheons with guest speakers and discussion panels. Contact us to find out what's planned for this year.
REDress Project
In 2010, Jamie Black, a Metis artist from Winnipeg, created The REDress Project. She collected red dresses from the community with a vision to hang them in public spaces to create a visual reminder of the women who are no longer present. "The empty red dress really evokes the absence of these women but it also marks the absence of these women so we can't forget that they're gone," said Black. Since the start of her project she has collected hundreds of donated red dresses that have since been displayed in public spaces across the country. The red garments have been exhibited everywhere from university campuses to Canada's Museum for Human Rights.
This provocative public exhibit depicts a visual reminder of the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women & Girls. Mokami Status of Women Council and other partnering agencies in Upper Lake Melville take part in the project each year during February, Violence Prevention Month, and display the dresses in public areas in Upper Lake Melville. Contact our Program Coordinator, 896-3484 extension 203, to get involved in the Dress Hanging Ceremony.
Sexual Violence Awareness Week
September 13-17, 2021
Each year, MSWC and other local organizations organize various community events to support survivors of sexual violence, to educate the public on how to respond to incidences of sexual violence and to advocate for trauma informed approches and spaces.
Take Back Your Power (formally known as Take Back the Night) is a notable annual event that typically takes place on the Friday of Sexual Violence Awareness Week. It is an opportunity for the community to show soldiarity for survivors and for women and gender diverse individuals to unite and voice our desire to end the fear and perceived responsibility we experience when it comes to sexual assault, harassment, and other forms of violence.
National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women
December 6th is recognized as the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women in Canada.
On this day, every year, the Mokami Status of Women Council hosts a candlelight vigil to honour the women who were victims of the Montreal Massacre, as well as women of Labrador who lost their lives due to violence.
The Montreal Massacre
On December 6, 1989, 14 women were murdered at l'Ecole Polytechnique in Montreal, Quebec simply because they were women. The man responsible, Marc Lepine, separated the men and women and screamed, "I hate feminists" before opening fire on the female engineering students in the classroom.
We will remember them:
Geneviève Bergeron, 21: second-year civil engineering scholarship student
Hélène Colgan, 23: senior mechanical engineering student planning a master's degree
Nathalie Croteau, 23: senior mechanical engineering student
Barbara Daigneault, 22: senior mechanical engineering student and teaching assistant
Anne-Marie Edward, 21: first-year chemical engineering student
Barbara Klucznik-Widajewicz, 31: first-year nursing student
Annie Turcotte, 21: first-year engineering materials student
Maryse Laganière, 25: budget clerk in school finance department
Maud Haviernick, 29: second-year engineering materials student and environmental design graduate
Maryse Leclair, 23: fourth-year student in engineering materials
Anne-Marie Lemay, 27: fourth-year mechanical engineering student
Sonia Pelletier, 28: due to graduate the next day in mechanical engineering; awarded a degree posthumously
Michèle Richard, 21: second-year engineering materials student
Annie St. Arneault, 23: mechanical engineering student